Tag-based MultiCell(FPDF Add On)


Author: Bintintan Andrei, Interpid Team
License: Valid only with written agreement from the Author


This FPDF Add On Class allows creation of TAG based formatted text areas with line breaks. They can be automatic (as soon as the text reaches the right border of the cell) or explicit (via the \n character).
The use of tags allows to change the font, the style (bold, italic, underline), the size, and the color of characters and many other features.



Sets the current settings for the specified tag name. The names "ttags" and "pparg" are reserved for tab spaces. Don't use empty tag names.

tag: name of the tag
family: family of the font
style: N (normal) or com.bination of B, I, U
size: size
color: color (comma-separated RGB components)

Outputs the tag-based MultiCell. \n = new line, \t = tab space. All parameters are and behave the same as the MultiCell function.

w: width of cells. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page;
h: height of the cell lines;
txt: string to print;
border: Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell block. Can be 0(no border) or 1(full border) or a combination of L(left) R(right) T (top) B(bottom) characters. Default is 1;
align: Sets the text alignment. Possible values are: L, C, R, J. Default is J;
fill: Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default is 0;
pad_left: Indicates the Cell Pad Left Space. Default is 0;
pad_top: Indicates the Cell Pad Top Space. Default is 0;
pad_right: Indicates the Cell Pad Right Space. Default is 0;
pad_bottom: Indicates the Cell Pad Bottom Space. Default is 0;


Source Code:

//define the Paragraph String ~~ Required by Multicell Class

//Tag Based Multicell Class

//Class Extention for header and footer

$pdf = new pdf_usage();




$txt1 "Created by <t1 href='mailto:andy@interpid.eu'>Bintintan Andrei, Interpid Team</t1>";
$txt2 "<p><t3>Description</t3>

\tThis method allows printing of <t4><TAG></t4> formatted text with line breaks. They can be automatic (as soon as the text reaches the right border of the cell) or explicit (via the <pb>\\n</pb> character).</p>

<p>\t- Text can be <hh>aligned</hh>, <hh>cente~~~red</hh> or <hh>justified</hh>
\t- Different <font>Font</font>, <size>Sizes</size>, <style>Styles</style>, <color>Colors</color> can be used 
\t- The cell block can be framed and the background painted
\t- <style href='www.fpdf.org'>Links</style> can be used in any tag
\t- <t4>TAB</t4> spaces (<pb>\\t</pb>) can be used
\t- Variable Y relative positions can be used for <ss ypos='-0.8'>Subscript</ss> or <ss ypos='1.1'>Superscript</ss>
\t- Cell padding (left, right, top, bottom)
\t- Controlled Tag Sizes can be used</p>

\t<size size='50' >Paragraph Example:~~~</size><font> - Paragraph 1</font>
\t<p size='60' > ~~~</p><font> - Paragraph 2</font>
\t<p size='60' > ~~~</p> - Paragraph 2
\t<p size='70' >Sample text~~~</p><p> - Paragraph 3</p>
\t<p size='50' >Sample text~~~</p> - Paragraph 1
\t<p size='60' > ~~~</p><t4> - Paragraph 2</t4>

\t- If no <t4><TAG></t4> is specified then the FPDF current settings(font, style, size, color) are used
\t- The <t4>ttags</t4> tag name is reserved for the TAB SPACES

$pdf->MultiCellTag(1505$txt11"L"15555); $pdf->Ln(10);
$pdf->MultiCellTag(05$txt21"J"13333); $pdf->Ln(10);



View the result here