CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!Cat_Google CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleUpdate KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" EXPLAIN !!Explain_GoogleUpdate CATEGORY !!Cat_Preferences KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" EXPLAIN !!Explain_Preferences POLICY !!Pol_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod PART !!Part_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod NUMERIC VALUENAME AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes DEFAULT 1400 ; 23 hours 20 minutes. MIN 0 MAX 43200 ; 30 days. SPIN 60 ; Increment in hour chunks. END PART PART !!Part_DisableAllAutoUpdateChecks CHECKBOX VALUENAME DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue ; Required, unused. ACTIONLISTON ; Writes over Part_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod. Assumes this runs last. VALUENAME AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ACTIONLISTON ACTIONLISTOFF ; Do nothing. Let Part_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod take effect. END ACTIONLISTOFF VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Preferences CATEGORY !!Cat_ProxyServer KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_ProxyMode #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_3_21_81 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_ProxyMode PART !!Part_ProxyMode DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "ProxyMode" ITEMLIST NAME !!ProxyDisabled_DropDown VALUE "direct" NAME !!ProxyAutoDetect_DropDown VALUE "auto_detect" NAME !!ProxyPacScript_DropDown VALUE "pac_script" NAME !!ProxyFixedServers_DropDown VALUE "fixed_servers" NAME !!ProxyUseSystem_DropDown VALUE "system" END ITEMLIST END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_ProxyServer #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_3_21_81 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_ProxyServer PART !!Part_ProxyServer EDITTEXT VALUENAME "ProxyServer" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_ProxyPacUrl #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_3_21_81 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_ProxyPacUrl PART !!Part_ProxyPacUrl EDITTEXT VALUENAME "ProxyPacUrl" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Cat_Applications KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" EXPLAIN !!Explain_Applications POLICY !!Pol_DefaultAllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_DefaultAllowInstallation VALUENAME InstallDefault VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_DefaultUpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_DefaultUpdatePolicy PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME UpdateDefault ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY CATEGORY !!Cat_Gears KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGears VALUENAME Install{283EAF47-8817-4C2B-A801-AD1FADFB7BAA} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGears PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{283EAF47-8817-4C2B-A801-AD1FADFB7BAA} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Gears CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleAdvertisingCookieOptoutPlugin KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleAdvertisingCookieOptoutPlugin VALUENAME Install{ADDE8406-A0F3-4AC2-8878-ADC0BD37BD86} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAdvertisingCookieOptoutPlugin PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{ADDE8406-A0F3-4AC2-8878-ADC0BD37BD86} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleAnalyticsOptoutBrowserAddonforInternetExplorer KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleAnalyticsOptoutBrowserAddonforInternetExplorer VALUENAME Install{4CCED17F-7852-4AFC-9E9E-C89D8795BDD2} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAnalyticsOptoutBrowserAddonforInternetExplorer PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{4CCED17F-7852-4AFC-9E9E-C89D8795BDD2} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (for Internet Explorer) CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleApps KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleApps VALUENAME Install{C4D65027-B96A-49A5-B13C-4E7FAFD2FB7B} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleApps PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{C4D65027-B96A-49A5-B13C-4E7FAFD2FB7B} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Apps CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleAppsMigrationforMicrosoftOutlook KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleAppsMigrationforMicrosoftOutlook VALUENAME Install{7DF3B6EE-9890-4307-BDE5-E1F3FCB09771} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAppsMigrationforMicrosoftOutlook PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{7DF3B6EE-9890-4307-BDE5-E1F3FCB09771} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Outlook® CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleAppsSyncforMicrosoftOutlook KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleAppsSyncforMicrosoftOutlook VALUENAME Install{BEBCAD10-F1BC-4F92-B4A7-9E2545C809ED} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAppsSyncforMicrosoftOutlook PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{BEBCAD10-F1BC-4F92-B4A7-9E2545C809ED} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook® CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleChrome KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleChrome VALUENAME Install{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleChrome PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Chrome CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleChromeBinaries KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleChromeBinaries VALUENAME Install{4DC8B4CA-1BDA-483E-B5FA-D3C12E15B62D} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleChromeBinaries PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{4DC8B4CA-1BDA-483E-B5FA-D3C12E15B62D} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Chrome Binaries CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleChromeCanaryBuild KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleChromeCanaryBuild VALUENAME Install{4EA16AC7-FD5A-47C3-875B-DBF4A2008C20} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleChromeCanaryBuild PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{4EA16AC7-FD5A-47C3-875B-DBF4A2008C20} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Chrome Canary Build CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleChromeFrame KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleChromeFrame VALUENAME Install{8BA986DA-5100-405E-AA35-86F34A02ACBF} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleChromeFrame PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{8BA986DA-5100-405E-AA35-86F34A02ACBF} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Chrome Frame CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleEarth KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleEarth VALUENAME Install{74AF07D8-FB8F-4D51-8AC7-927721D56EBB} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEarth PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{74AF07D8-FB8F-4D51-8AC7-927721D56EBB} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Earth CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleEarthperuserinstall KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleEarthperuserinstall VALUENAME Install{0A52903D-0FBF-439A-93E4-CB609A2F63DB} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEarthperuserinstall PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{0A52903D-0FBF-439A-93E4-CB609A2F63DB} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Earth (per-user install) CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleEarthPlugin KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleEarthPlugin VALUENAME Install{2BF2CA35-CCAF-4E58-BAB7-4163BFA03B88} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEarthPlugin PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{2BF2CA35-CCAF-4E58-BAB7-4163BFA03B88} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Earth Plugin CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleEarthPro KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleEarthPro VALUENAME Install{65E60E95-0DE9-43FF-9F3F-4F7D2DFF04B5} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEarthPro PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{65E60E95-0DE9-43FF-9F3F-4F7D2DFF04B5} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Earth Pro CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleEmailUploader KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleEmailUploader VALUENAME Install{84F41014-78F2-4EBF-AF9B-8D7D12FCC37B} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEmailUploader PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{84F41014-78F2-4EBF-AF9B-8D7D12FCC37B} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Email Uploader CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleTalkLabsEdition KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleTalkLabsEdition VALUENAME Install{7C9D2019-25AD-4F9B-B4C4-F0F537A9626E} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTalkLabsEdition PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{7C9D2019-25AD-4F9B-B4C4-F0F537A9626E} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Talk Labs Edition CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleTalkPluginVoiceandVideoChat KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleTalkPluginVoiceandVideoChat VALUENAME Install{D0AB2EBC-931B-4013-9FEB-C9C4C2225C8C} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTalkPluginVoiceandVideoChat PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{D0AB2EBC-931B-4013-9FEB-C9C4C2225C8C} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Talk Plugin (Voice and Video Chat) CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleToolbarforFirefox KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleToolbarforFirefox VALUENAME Install{2CCBABCB-6427-4A55-B091-49864623C43F} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleToolbarforFirefox PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{2CCBABCB-6427-4A55-B091-49864623C43F} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Toolbar (for Firefox) CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleToolbarforInternetExplorer KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleToolbarforInternetExplorer VALUENAME Install{F69EABDD-A4BB-4555-BE7E-1EA5F59BBA24} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleToolbarforInternetExplorer PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{F69EABDD-A4BB-4555-BE7E-1EA5F59BBA24} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Toolbar (for Internet Explorer) CATEGORY !!Cat_GWTDeveloperPluginForInternetExplorer KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGWTDeveloperPluginForInternetExplorer VALUENAME Install{9A5E649A-EC63-4C7D-99BF-75ADB345E7E5} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGWTDeveloperPluginForInternetExplorer PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{9A5E649A-EC63-4C7D-99BF-75ADB345E7E5} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; GWT Developer Plugin For Internet Explorer CATEGORY !!Cat_O3D KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallO3D VALUENAME Install{70308795-045C-42DA-8F4E-D452381A7459} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateO3D PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{70308795-045C-42DA-8F4E-D452381A7459} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; O3D CATEGORY !!Cat_O3DExtras KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallO3DExtras VALUENAME Install{34B2805D-C72C-4F81-AED5-5A22D1E092F1} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateO3DExtras PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{34B2805D-C72C-4F81-AED5-5A22D1E092F1} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; O3D Extras CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleAmharicInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleAmharicInput VALUENAME Install{12C37803-FC8D-48C1-A759-7C88C36BCAA4} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAmharicInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{12C37803-FC8D-48C1-A759-7C88C36BCAA4} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Amharic Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleArabicInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleArabicInput VALUENAME Install{49B24240-CC72-48D7-9A01-6285118C9CA9} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleArabicInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{49B24240-CC72-48D7-9A01-6285118C9CA9} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Arabic Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleBengaliInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleBengaliInput VALUENAME Install{446C4D62-5D85-4E6A-845E-FB19AC8C84F8} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleBengaliInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{446C4D62-5D85-4E6A-845E-FB19AC8C84F8} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Bengali Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleFarsiInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleFarsiInput VALUENAME Install{E0642E36-9D8E-441E-A527-683F77A50FDF} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleFarsiInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{E0642E36-9D8E-441E-A527-683F77A50FDF} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Farsi Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleGreekInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleGreekInput VALUENAME Install{45186F45-0E1D-49F3-A534-A52B81F60897} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleGreekInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{45186F45-0E1D-49F3-A534-A52B81F60897} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Greek Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleGujaratiInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleGujaratiInput VALUENAME Install{0693199F-9DF6-4020-B760-CA993177C362} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleGujaratiInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{0693199F-9DF6-4020-B760-CA993177C362} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Gujarati Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleHebrewInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleHebrewInput VALUENAME Install{49742F12-1EC3-4CBF-B942-3BDCF9875C3E} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleHebrewInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{49742F12-1EC3-4CBF-B942-3BDCF9875C3E} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Hebrew Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleHindiInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleHindiInput VALUENAME Install{06A2F917-C899-44EE-8F47-5B9128D96B0A} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleHindiInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{06A2F917-C899-44EE-8F47-5B9128D96B0A} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Hindi Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleJapaneseInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleJapaneseInput VALUENAME Install{DDCCD2A9-025E-4142-BCEB-F467B88CF830} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleJapaneseInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{DDCCD2A9-025E-4142-BCEB-F467B88CF830} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Japanese Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleKannadaInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleKannadaInput VALUENAME Install{689F4361-5837-4A9C-8BF8-078D04406EC3} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleKannadaInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{689F4361-5837-4A9C-8BF8-078D04406EC3} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Kannada Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleMalayalamInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleMalayalamInput VALUENAME Install{DA2110CA-14F7-4560-A76E-D47345024C49} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleMalayalamInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{DA2110CA-14F7-4560-A76E-D47345024C49} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Malayalam Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleMarathiInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleMarathiInput VALUENAME Install{79D2E710-121A-4892-9541-66740728CEBB} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleMarathiInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{79D2E710-121A-4892-9541-66740728CEBB} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Marathi Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleNepaliInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleNepaliInput VALUENAME Install{0657DE2E-EC18-4C72-8D58-7D864EA210DE} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleNepaliInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{0657DE2E-EC18-4C72-8D58-7D864EA210DE} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Nepali Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleOriyaInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleOriyaInput VALUENAME Install{EE98FBB5-62FD-4601-9CFE-0A3EB03C34FC} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleOriyaInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{EE98FBB5-62FD-4601-9CFE-0A3EB03C34FC} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Oriya Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GooglePunjabiInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGooglePunjabiInput VALUENAME Install{A8DE44D0-9B9D-4EAF-BD5B-6411CE79A39E} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGooglePunjabiInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{A8DE44D0-9B9D-4EAF-BD5B-6411CE79A39E} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Punjabi Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleRussianInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleRussianInput VALUENAME Install{BBE57E48-4B5B-4346-BD7C-FF75A3AADD55} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleRussianInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{BBE57E48-4B5B-4346-BD7C-FF75A3AADD55} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Russian Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleSanskritInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleSanskritInput VALUENAME Install{0D85AB45-243B-4C69-9F5E-7D309CF4CE33} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleSanskritInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{0D85AB45-243B-4C69-9F5E-7D309CF4CE33} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Sanskrit Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleSerbianInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleSerbianInput VALUENAME Install{3A76050C-F9E7-44AF-B463-408CEBC0A896} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleSerbianInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{3A76050C-F9E7-44AF-B463-408CEBC0A896} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Serbian Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleSinhaleseInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleSinhaleseInput VALUENAME Install{16BA6E00-5606-49AB-8657-A4B9809F77E7} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleSinhaleseInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{16BA6E00-5606-49AB-8657-A4B9809F77E7} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Sinhalese Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleTamilInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleTamilInput VALUENAME Install{7498340C-3670-47E3-82AE-1BF2B1D3FCD6} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTamilInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{7498340C-3670-47E3-82AE-1BF2B1D3FCD6} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Tamil Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleTeluguInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleTeluguInput VALUENAME Install{9FF9FAC2-A7E1-4A34-AB91-77AD18CED53F} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTeluguInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{9FF9FAC2-A7E1-4A34-AB91-77AD18CED53F} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Telugu Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleTigrinyaInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleTigrinyaInput VALUENAME Install{ADC6C65A-FF16-40D4-B7F1-19E403583515} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTigrinyaInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{ADC6C65A-FF16-40D4-B7F1-19E403583515} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Tigrinya Input CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleUrduInput KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Update" POLICY !!Pol_AllowInstallation #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_InstallGoogleUrduInput VALUENAME Install{311963FF-A0E6-4D8E-BFC7-1C90B261180C} VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 END POLICY POLICY !!Pol_UpdatePolicy #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5 #endif EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleUrduInput PART !!Part_UpdatePolicy DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Update{311963FF-A0E6-4D8E-BFC7-1C90B261180C} ITEMLIST NAME !!Name_UpdatesEnabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!Name_ManualUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!Name_UpdatesDisabled VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Google Urdu Input END CATEGORY ; Applications END CATEGORY ; GoogleUpdate END CATEGORY ; Google ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [strings] Sup_GoogleUpdate1_2_145_5=At least Google Update Sup_GoogleUpdate1_3_21_81=At least Google Update Cat_Google=Google Cat_GoogleUpdate=Google Update Cat_Preferences=Preferences Cat_ProxyServer=Proxy Server Cat_Applications=Applications Pol_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod=Auto-update check period override Pol_ProxyMode=Choose how to specify proxy server settings Pol_ProxyServer=Address or URL of proxy server Pol_ProxyPacUrl=URL to a proxy .pac file Pol_DefaultAllowInstallation=Allow installation default Pol_AllowInstallation=Allow installation Pol_DefaultUpdatePolicy=Update policy override default Pol_UpdatePolicy=Update policy override Part_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod=Minutes between update checks Part_DisableAllAutoUpdateChecks=Disable all auto-update checks (not recommended) Part_ProxyMode=Choose how to specify proxy server settings Part_ProxyServer=Address or URL of proxy server Part_ProxyPacUrl=URL to a proxy .pac file Part_UpdatePolicy=Policy Name_UpdatesEnabled=Always allow updates (recommended) Name_ManualUpdatesOnly=Manual updates only Name_AutomaticUpdatesOnly=Automatic silent updates only Name_UpdatesDisabled=Updates disabled ProxyDisabled_DropDown=Never use a proxy ProxyAutoDetect_DropDown=Auto detect proxy settings ProxyPacScript_DropDown=Use a .pac proxy script ProxyFixedServers_DropDown=Use fixed proxy servers ProxyUseSystem_DropDown=Use system proxy settings Cat_Gears=Gears Cat_GoogleAdvertisingCookieOptoutPlugin=Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin Cat_GoogleAnalyticsOptoutBrowserAddonforInternetExplorer=Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (for Internet Explorer) Cat_GoogleApps=Google Apps Cat_GoogleAppsMigrationforMicrosoftOutlook=Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Outlook® Cat_GoogleAppsSyncforMicrosoftOutlook=Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook® Cat_GoogleChrome=Google Chrome Cat_GoogleChromeBinaries=Google Chrome Binaries Cat_GoogleChromeCanaryBuild=Google Chrome Canary Build Cat_GoogleChromeFrame=Google Chrome Frame Cat_GoogleEarth=Google Earth Cat_GoogleEarthperuserinstall=Google Earth (per-user install) Cat_GoogleEarthPlugin=Google Earth Plugin Cat_GoogleEarthPro=Google Earth Pro Cat_GoogleEmailUploader=Google Email Uploader Cat_GoogleTalkLabsEdition=Google Talk Labs Edition Cat_GoogleTalkPluginVoiceandVideoChat=Google Talk Plugin (Voice and Video Chat) Cat_GoogleToolbarforFirefox=Google Toolbar (for Firefox) Cat_GoogleToolbarforInternetExplorer=Google Toolbar (for Internet Explorer) Cat_GWTDeveloperPluginForInternetExplorer=GWT Developer Plugin For Internet Explorer Cat_O3D=O3D Cat_O3DExtras=O3D Extras Cat_GoogleAmharicInput=Google Amharic Input Cat_GoogleArabicInput=Google Arabic Input Cat_GoogleBengaliInput=Google Bengali Input Cat_GoogleFarsiInput=Google Farsi Input Cat_GoogleGreekInput=Google Greek Input Cat_GoogleGujaratiInput=Google Gujarati Input Cat_GoogleHebrewInput=Google Hebrew Input Cat_GoogleHindiInput=Google Hindi Input Cat_GoogleJapaneseInput=Google Japanese Input Cat_GoogleKannadaInput=Google Kannada Input Cat_GoogleMalayalamInput=Google Malayalam Input Cat_GoogleMarathiInput=Google Marathi Input Cat_GoogleNepaliInput=Google Nepali Input Cat_GoogleOriyaInput=Google Oriya Input Cat_GooglePunjabiInput=Google Punjabi Input Cat_GoogleRussianInput=Google Russian Input Cat_GoogleSanskritInput=Google Sanskrit Input Cat_GoogleSerbianInput=Google Serbian Input Cat_GoogleSinhaleseInput=Google Sinhalese Input Cat_GoogleTamilInput=Google Tamil Input Cat_GoogleTeluguInput=Google Telugu Input Cat_GoogleTigrinyaInput=Google Tigrinya Input Cat_GoogleUrduInput=Google Urdu Input Explain_GoogleUpdate=Policies to control the installation and updating of Google applications that use Google Update/Google Installer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Preferences ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Explain_Preferences=General policies for Google Update. Explain_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod=Minimum number of minutes between automatic update checks. Explain_ProxyMode=Allows you to specify the proxy server used by Google Update.\n\nIf you choose to never use a proxy server and always connect directly, all other options are ignored.\n\nIf you choose to use system proxy settings or auto detect the proxy server, all other options are ignored.\n\nIf you choose fixed server proxy mode, you can specify further options in 'Address or URL of proxy server'.\n\nIf you choose to use a .pac proxy script, you must specify the URL to the script in 'URL to a proxy .pac file'. Explain_ProxyServer=You can specify the URL of the proxy server here.\n\nThis policy only takes effect if you have selected manual proxy settings at 'Choose how to specify proxy server settings'. Explain_ProxyPacUrl=You can specify a URL to a proxy .pac file here.\n\nThis policy only takes effect if you have selected manual proxy settings at 'Choose how to specify proxy server settings'. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Applications ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Explain_Applications=Policies for individual applications.\ \n\nAn updated ADM template will be required to support Google applications released in the future. Explain_DefaultAllowInstallation=Specifies the default behavior for whether Google software can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nCan be overridden by the "Allow installation" for individual applications.\ \n\nOnly affects installation of Google software using Google Update/Google Installer. Cannot prevent running the application installer directly or installation of Google software that does not use Google Update/Google Installer for installation. Explain_DefaultUpdatePolicy=Specifies the default policy for software updates from Google.\ \n\nCan be overridden by the "Update policy override" for individual applications.\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using each application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users.\ \n\nOnly affects updates for Google software that uses Google Update for updates. Does not prevent auto-updates of Google software that does not use Google Update for updates.\ \n\nUpdates for Google Update are not affected by this setting; Google Update will continue to update itself while it is installed.\ \n\nWARNING: Disabing updates will also prevent updates of any new Google applications released in the future, possibly including dependencies for future versions of installed applications. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Individual Applications ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Gears Explain_InstallGears=Specifies whether Gears can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Gears can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGears=Specifies how Google Update handles available Gears updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin Explain_InstallGoogleAdvertisingCookieOptoutPlugin=Specifies whether Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAdvertisingCookieOptoutPlugin=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Advertising Cookie Opt-out Plugin updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (for Internet Explorer) Explain_InstallGoogleAnalyticsOptoutBrowserAddonforInternetExplorer=Specifies whether Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (for Internet Explorer) can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (for Internet Explorer) can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAnalyticsOptoutBrowserAddonforInternetExplorer=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (for Internet Explorer) updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Apps Explain_InstallGoogleApps=Specifies whether Google Apps can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Apps can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleApps=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Apps updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. ; Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Outlook® Explain_InstallGoogleAppsMigrationforMicrosoftOutlook=Specifies whether Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Outlook® can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Outlook® can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAppsMigrationforMicrosoftOutlook=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Outlook® updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook® Explain_InstallGoogleAppsSyncforMicrosoftOutlook=Specifies whether Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook® can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook® can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAppsSyncforMicrosoftOutlook=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook® updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Chrome Explain_InstallGoogleChrome=Specifies whether Google Chrome can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Chrome can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleChrome=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Chrome updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Chrome Binaries Explain_InstallGoogleChromeBinaries=Specifies whether Google Chrome Binaries can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Chrome Binaries can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleChromeBinaries=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Chrome Binaries updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Chrome Canary Build Explain_InstallGoogleChromeCanaryBuild=Specifies whether Google Chrome Canary Build can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Chrome Canary Build can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleChromeCanaryBuild=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Chrome Canary Build updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Chrome Frame Explain_InstallGoogleChromeFrame=Specifies whether Google Chrome Frame can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Chrome Frame can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleChromeFrame=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Chrome Frame updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Earth Explain_InstallGoogleEarth=Specifies whether Google Earth can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Earth can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEarth=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Earth updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Earth (per-user install) Explain_InstallGoogleEarthperuserinstall=Specifies whether Google Earth (per-user install) can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Earth (per-user install) can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEarthperuserinstall=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Earth (per-user install) updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Earth Plugin Explain_InstallGoogleEarthPlugin=Specifies whether Google Earth Plugin can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Earth Plugin can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEarthPlugin=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Earth Plugin updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Earth Pro Explain_InstallGoogleEarthPro=Specifies whether Google Earth Pro can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Earth Pro can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEarthPro=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Earth Pro updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Email Uploader Explain_InstallGoogleEmailUploader=Specifies whether Google Email Uploader can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Email Uploader can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleEmailUploader=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Email Uploader updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Talk Labs Edition Explain_InstallGoogleTalkLabsEdition=Specifies whether Google Talk Labs Edition can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Talk Labs Edition can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTalkLabsEdition=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Talk Labs Edition updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Talk Plugin (Voice and Video Chat) Explain_InstallGoogleTalkPluginVoiceandVideoChat=Specifies whether Google Talk Plugin (Voice and Video Chat) can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Talk Plugin (Voice and Video Chat) can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTalkPluginVoiceandVideoChat=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Talk Plugin (Voice and Video Chat) updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Toolbar (for Firefox) Explain_InstallGoogleToolbarforFirefox=Specifies whether Google Toolbar (for Firefox) can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Toolbar (for Firefox) can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleToolbarforFirefox=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Toolbar (for Firefox) updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check in Firefox. ; Google Toolbar (for Internet Explorer) Explain_InstallGoogleToolbarforInternetExplorer=Specifies whether Google Toolbar (for Internet Explorer) can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Toolbar (for Internet Explorer) can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleToolbarforInternetExplorer=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Toolbar (for Internet Explorer) updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check in Internet Explorer. ; GWT Developer Plugin For Internet Explorer Explain_InstallGWTDeveloperPluginForInternetExplorer=Specifies whether GWT Developer Plugin For Internet Explorer can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, GWT Developer Plugin For Internet Explorer can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGWTDeveloperPluginForInternetExplorer=Specifies how Google Update handles available GWT Developer Plugin For Internet Explorer updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; O3D Explain_InstallO3D=Specifies whether O3D can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, O3D can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateO3D=Specifies how Google Update handles available O3D updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; O3D Extras Explain_InstallO3DExtras=Specifies whether O3D Extras can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, O3D Extras can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateO3DExtras=Specifies how Google Update handles available O3D Extras updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. ; Google Amharic Input Explain_InstallGoogleAmharicInput=Specifies whether Google Amharic Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Amharic Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleAmharicInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Amharic Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Arabic Input Explain_InstallGoogleArabicInput=Specifies whether Google Arabic Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Arabic Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleArabicInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Arabic Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Bengali Input Explain_InstallGoogleBengaliInput=Specifies whether Google Bengali Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Bengali Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleBengaliInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Bengali Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Farsi Input Explain_InstallGoogleFarsiInput=Specifies whether Google Farsi Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Farsi Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleFarsiInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Farsi Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Greek Input Explain_InstallGoogleGreekInput=Specifies whether Google Greek Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Greek Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleGreekInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Greek Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Gujarati Input Explain_InstallGoogleGujaratiInput=Specifies whether Google Gujarati Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Gujarati Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleGujaratiInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Gujarati Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Hebrew Input Explain_InstallGoogleHebrewInput=Specifies whether Google Hebrew Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Hebrew Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleHebrewInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Hebrew Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Hindi Input Explain_InstallGoogleHindiInput=Specifies whether Google Hindi Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Hindi Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleHindiInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Hindi Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Japanese Input Explain_InstallGoogleJapaneseInput=Specifies whether Google Japanese Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Japanese Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleJapaneseInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Japanese Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Kannada Input Explain_InstallGoogleKannadaInput=Specifies whether Google Kannada Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Kannada Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleKannadaInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Kannada Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Malayalam Input Explain_InstallGoogleMalayalamInput=Specifies whether Google Malayalam Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Malayalam Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleMalayalamInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Malayalam Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Marathi Input Explain_InstallGoogleMarathiInput=Specifies whether Google Marathi Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Marathi Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleMarathiInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Marathi Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Nepali Input Explain_InstallGoogleNepaliInput=Specifies whether Google Nepali Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Nepali Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleNepaliInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Nepali Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Oriya Input Explain_InstallGoogleOriyaInput=Specifies whether Google Oriya Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Oriya Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleOriyaInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Oriya Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Punjabi Input Explain_InstallGooglePunjabiInput=Specifies whether Google Punjabi Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Punjabi Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGooglePunjabiInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Punjabi Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Russian Input Explain_InstallGoogleRussianInput=Specifies whether Google Russian Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Russian Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleRussianInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Russian Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Sanskrit Input Explain_InstallGoogleSanskritInput=Specifies whether Google Sanskrit Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Sanskrit Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleSanskritInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Sanskrit Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Serbian Input Explain_InstallGoogleSerbianInput=Specifies whether Google Serbian Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Serbian Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleSerbianInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Serbian Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Sinhalese Input Explain_InstallGoogleSinhaleseInput=Specifies whether Google Sinhalese Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Sinhalese Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleSinhaleseInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Sinhalese Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Tamil Input Explain_InstallGoogleTamilInput=Specifies whether Google Tamil Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Tamil Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTamilInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Tamil Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Telugu Input Explain_InstallGoogleTeluguInput=Specifies whether Google Telugu Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Telugu Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTeluguInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Telugu Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Tigrinya Input Explain_InstallGoogleTigrinyaInput=Specifies whether Google Tigrinya Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Tigrinya Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleTigrinyaInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Tigrinya Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check ; Google Urdu Input Explain_InstallGoogleUrduInput=Specifies whether Google Urdu Input can be installed using Google Update/Google Installer.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Urdu Input can be installed as specified by "Allow installation default". Explain_AutoUpdateGoogleUrduInput=Specifies how Google Update handles available Google Urdu Input updates from Google.\ \n\nIf this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates as specified by "Update policy override default".\ \n\nOptions:\ \n - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by periodic update check or by a manual update check.\ \n - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)\ \n - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are found via the periodic update check.\ \n - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.\ \n\nIf you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute them to users. Check